MAC's Home: A Historic Milton Building
The Milton Art Center is located in this stately building which was was originally built to house the East Milton Branch library.
The land was donated to the Town of Milton by Nathaniel T. Kidder. In addition to numerous philanthropic boards, Mr. Kidder was a director of the Milton Historical Society and the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. He was also a great patron of the arts, donating pieces now in the collection of the MFA
The branch library was closed at the completion of the renovations of the main library branch, and remained vacant for two years.
The founders of F.A.V.A, an after school arts enrichment program, answered the town's call for bids for an alternate use of the property and became the new stewards of this beautiful building. This new home allowed F.A.V.A .to evolve into the Milton Art Center, expanding it's mission beyond children's art education to include art classes for adults, gallery space for local artists and a performance space for local musicians, story tellers and comics.
We at MAC feel that we are continuing on in the spirit of Nathaniel Kidder's gift to the town by using the building and grounds for community enrichment, while also keeping the beautiful building as it was built for the town and neighborhood. Knowing that Mr. Kidder was a great art patron and tree warden, we feel that he would approve of the current use of building and grounds by MAC.