Call for Teen Artists for Exhibit: Like It or Not

by Joan Clifford, Executive Director
Are you a local teen artist that would like to contribute art for an exhibit in May at the Milton Art Center.? The theme title, Like It or Not, challenges teens to explore the impact of social media on their lives.
Social media platforms offer opportunities for connection and self-expression but also present challenges and risks that can impact teen’s self-esteem, confidence, mood, self-perception and mental health. From the pressure of validation to the complexities of identity in this digital age, we welcome art that explores the decision making each teen makes when interacting with social media.
Christine Schoettle, a board member at the art center proposed the theme because, “As a mom of three teenage girls I have seen up close the ways social media has artificially either inflated, or more commonly, deflated my girl’s sense of self worth, on matters ranging from physical appearance to academic success and everything in-between. We are squarely among the throngs of families struggling with how to navigate these waters. One thing I have learned is that sharing experiences helps lessen their burden, knowing that people care to hear your voice has a positive impact, and having a platform is empowering.”
Katherine Jordan, an art teacher, therapist and LMHC, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, who teaches at the art center and counsels youth and teens said,”Working with teens, the impact of social media is really undeniable. Whether that impact is positive or negative is constantly up for debate. I’ve seen that it can improve feelings of belonging/connection and assist in maintaining friendships across distances while also exacerbating negative mental health symptoms like anxiety and depressed mood.”
Social media platforms are hugely influential on teen mental health, and are here to stay, ( Like It or Not) said Christine Schoettle. “We aim to offer teens the opportunity to visually share their personal experience with social media, the good, bad, or ugly,” said Schoettle.
We hope teens will take part in the exhibit, Like It or Not to build community through shared experience and to help destigmatize mental health issues that so many are facing on unprecedented levels today. Uniting teens in our community with a visual display of their thoughts regarding growing up with social media is an exhibit that we anticipate has a lot to say.
Thank you to Teagan Sweeney, the Milton High School Liaison for this exhibit and Mairead Dambruch who created the cover art and for producing this exhibit.
The opening reception is open to all Friday, May 3, 6-9pm and will also feature teen performers and musicians.
If interested, the details can be found at the Milton Art Center gallery page: and if you have questions, email:
The public is welcome to the next First Friday, April 5, 6-9pm at the Milton Art Center featuring one more chance to see the beautiful exhibit of Mark Vonnegut’s paintings and local musicians performing their favorite selections from Bob Dylan’s extensive repertoire. From the poetic lyrics of “Make You Feel My Love,” to “Knocking on Heaven’s Door,” come enjoy the music of a true icon, performed by our community’s finest musicians. First Fridays are family friendly and free, with refreshments. Time to catch up with your friends and neighbors!